Monday, April 18, 2011

Au Revoir Paris, Buon Giorno Italia!

My cloudy little goodbye painting for Paris:

Today, Amy and I depart for the Italian segment of our adventure. We are leaving Paris in a few hours to to fly to Venice - a first visit for both of us. After two nights in Venice, we take the train to Florence for a day and a night, and then finish out the trip with two days in Rome - Good Friday and Holy Saturday - and flying back to Paris in time for Easter. To say the least I feel blessed and humbled to be here at this time of the year, and at this season in my life. So much newness.

The last few days have been very full - full of unexpected new friends

and exploring the flavors of different neighborhoods in Paris (as well as the flavors of their cuisine). Last night's rabbit stew:

A friend gave me a mandatory assignment to read Earnest Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" before I came to Paris - and I did to my delight. It is a memoir chronicling Hemingway's life in Paris as a young man and the impact it had on his senses and his flowering literary genius. He remarks, simply and truly, "There is never any end to Paris".

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Paris, France

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